Church located in Isleworth provides a range of community services and activities
Church located in Isleworth that provides a range of community services and activities
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We have good ecumenical relationships with neighbouring Anglican, Roman Catholic and independent evangelical Churches.
Our services are variously led by our Deacons, or by home-grown and visiting preachers, both ordained and lay, from many different denominations. When applicable our children share the first part of morning service with us before withdrawing to the Church Hall to spend the remainder of the service time on their own activities. Visiting children are welcome to join them, or to remain in church.
We hold a Bible Study, to which all are welcome, on the first, third (& fifth) Wednesday evenings of most months from 8 p.m. until approximately 9 p.m. We also hold a Morning Bible Study on the first and third Thursday of most months from 10.30 a.m.
In Jesus’ name we extend a warm welcome to all who wish to worship with us.
Church located in Isleworth provides a range of community services and activities
We are a Roman Catholic Church based in Isleworth that provides a range of community services and activities.
All Saints Church located in Isleworth that provides a range of community services and activities