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Community Hubs connect residents to a variety of local support and activities, closer to home. This Community Hub is at Hounslow House every Monday, 10am - 1pm
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This event is run by the organisation London Borough of Hounslow (Hounslow Council). View their organisation details and other listed services.
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If you’re trying to find information, or seeking help & advice, Hounslow Council is making sure you can find the right solution, closer to home.
- Hounslow House. Every Monday, 10am - 1pm.
Location: 7 Bath Rd, Hounslow, TW3 3EB.
Services at the hub on Monday 24th March:
Community Hub Advisors: Providing early help, preventative information advice, guidance, and support on everyday issues.
Community Support team (Support for Refugee and Asylum Seekers): Providing a co-ordinated response to support refugees and asylum seekers residing in Hounslow borough. Offering information and signposting on to relevant services and referrals to appropriate organisations.
EACH Counselling and Support: A holistic counselling approach for anyone such as domestic violence and mental health for women.
Community Safety: Advice on crime and anti-social behaviour, working with the community to make Hounslow safer.
Shaw Trust: Supporting people with complex needs into good work. Delivering high quality employability programmes and complementary services for people with complex needs, challenging life circumstances or other barriers that impact on access to work.
Hounslow Reach: Helping homeless and vulnerable people in London to find decent homes, build supportive relationships and lead fulfilling lives.
The Mulberry Centre: Delivering a range of information and support services to anyone affected by a diagnosis of cancer or bereavement. All the services are offered free of charge, and there are no postcode boundaries for anyone affected by cancer.
Job Centre Plus Hounslow: A service that provides information and employability guidance and benefit advice.
Crosslight: Providing face-to-face debt advice together with money education and budgeting support to individuals and families in need.
ILAYS: Helping BAME communities and new arrivals in West London to reach their full potential. Helping people to feel comfortable and – above all – happy in their lives here in the UK.
Targeted Support Team: Providing early interventions to residents, working alongside Floating Support provided by Hounslow Reach. Working with residents before, after, or instead of Floating Support, assessing cases to address needs like health, wellbeing, finance and debt, digital exclusion, housing, social isolation etc. Linking residents with local services and partners to enable them to live as independently as possible for as long as possible.
Drop in on the day, no booking needed.
Visit Hounslow Connect for more information.
Visit Hounslow Connect Events to find out about the dates, times and specific services at the next Community Hub. Or follow Hounslow Connect on Facebook or Twitter to keep updated.

- Wheelchair accessible
- Hearing loop
- Accessible toilet