Friends of St Paul’s Recreation Ground (FoSP’s) was formed in January 2016. We are a growing voluntary group of local residents who are committed to securing the future of St Paul’s for the peaceful use by local residents and all visitors.
Friends of St Paul’s Recreation Ground (FoSP’s) was formed in January 2016. We are a growing voluntary group of local residents who are committed to securing the future of St Paul’s for the peaceful use by local residents and all visitors. Our aims and objectives include:
To act as a pressure group and have a say in how the site is managed.
Providing a voice for all users of the park.
Securing funding enabling development of the park and in turn the public use of the park.
Promoting good relations and communication with all users of the park.
Encouraging local participation at all levels in the development and use of the park.
Organising events that develop, promote and improve St Paul’s including fundraising events.
To promote St Paul’s as a unique area for use by local residents and members of the public.
To become a strong body for good within the Brentford area
To improve the opinion of the park by local residents
To minimise behaviour disrespectful to the park
To increase the love and usage of the park.
Friends of St Paul’s Recreation Ground (FoSP’s) was formed in January 2016. We are a growing voluntary group of local residents who are committed to securing the future of St Paul’s for the peaceful use by local residents and all visitors.
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