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St. Lawrence RC Church

Our parish has a very hardworking, devoted team of catechists. They work behind the scenes to help prepare candidates for the Sacraments, assist with the Liturgy for Children at the Sunday Masses, and help at our Sunday School.

Our Prayer Group meets weekly for a time of praise and thanksgiving, reflecting the Word of God in scripture, and intercession for the parish, the Church and the wider community. Meetings take place on Thursdays, from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm, in the Presbytery.

Many parishioners take part in the twice yearly Diocesan Faith Sharing programmes, meeting weekly in groups during each six-week season. Through these programmes parishioners have learnt more about their faith, and formed friendships that allow them, comfortably, to reflect on and share their faith.

Get in touch

Contact: St. Lawrence RC Church



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