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The Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation

Stoll is the leading provider of supported housing to vulnerable Veterans.

Some Veterans struggle to adapt to civilian life when they leave the Armed Forces. At Stoll we support the most vulnerable Veterans by assessing an individual’s needs and then arranging appropriate support.

This can include a new affordable home to rent, developing people’s skills to enable a Veteran to get a job and supporting people’s health needs. Once a Veteran is living independently, on firm foundations, we support them as they move on from Stoll and always encourage this where possible.

Get in touch

Contact: The Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation


  • service


    Both The Community Hall and Wellbeing Room are available for hire by organisations or individuals.

    Logo for The Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation

    The Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation

  • service


    Every second Wednesday of the month, Stoll co-hosts an informal Drop-In service at St Pancras Hospital with the TILS NHS team and the Royal British Legion. The Drop-In gives you the chance to speak with a range of support agencies in one place.

    Logo for The Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation

    The Sir Oswald Stoll Foundation


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