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West London Sands

**West London Sands **is one of the regional groups whose volunteers provide a befriending and group support service to families in this area. We are also involved in fundraising.

WLS Committee

There are currently 6 committee members.  The committee meets bi-monthly when we plan the use of funds and co-ordinate support meetings and befriender training.

Hospital Liaison:

We work actively with the following hospitals to improve bereavement services, for example providing memory boxes, helping to furnish bereavement suites and helping with staff bereavement training:

Chelsea and Westminster; West Middlesex; Queen Charlotte’s and St. Mary’s Paddington; Hillingdon; Northwick Park; The Portland

Befriending Service:

We have volunteer Befrienders who can offer one-to-one support by phone or email. Befrienders are not counsellors but are themselves bereaved parents who have been trained to offer support to others – this may be one phone call or it may be contact over a period of time, depending on what is wanted.  

Group Support Meetings:

The evening support meetings are on the 4th Thursday of each month, 8 – 10pm; the daytime meetings on the 2nd Friday – morning meeting 11am – 12.45; Pregnancy After Loss meeting 1pm – 2.45

The meetings are an opportunity to meet other parents, in a supportive setting, who have experienced the loss of a baby. For details of all meetings, please click on ‘Support Meetings & Events’. Babies and small children are welcome at the afternoon Friday meetings.

Get in touch

Contact: West London Sands


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    At West London Sands we understand what it’s like because we also are bereaved parents.

    Logo for West London Sands

    West London Sands


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