Social and creative activities allow you to express your individuality, provide opportunities to develop personal strengths, share experiences and connect to others.
Our objective is 'to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives'.
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A Death Café is a group directed discussion of death with no agenda, objectives or themes. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counselling session.
Our Death Cafes are always offered:
On a not for profit basis
In an accessible, respectful and confidential space
With no intention of leading people to any conclusion, product or course of action
Alongside refreshing drinks and nourishing food – and cake!
If you're interested in holding a Death Café please see our how-to guide.
Social and creative activities allow you to express your individuality, provide opportunities to develop personal strengths, share experiences and connect to others.
Brownies is about trying new things, making new friendships, learning about your community, working towards badges and learning new skills.
Due to the ongoing restrictions we're having to do things a little different, so throughout June we're holding a Teddy Bears Snack & Story Time.