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Friends of Hogarth

The core purpose of the group is to support the delivery of our youth programme and to develop a vibrant community centre for local residents.

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Logo for Hogarth Youth and Community Charitable Trust

What is this group?

The Friends of the Hogarth has since evolved into an informal group of local residents, businesses and charities which helps to deliver our youth programme through generous donations and resource support. By raising its profile through various events, the group now consists of over 200 individuals and over 30 partner organisations.

Membership of the group is free. We simply ask for your e-mail address – please contact Dani Karas, our Centre Manager (

Friends are sent a quarterly e-mail from Trustees updating on the youth programme, fund raising events and centre operations. We also encourage Friends to ask their friends, relatives and work colleagues to consider joining the group.

Scheduled meetings in 2020 had to be postponed due to Covid restrictions. On 11th February 2021 we hosted our first virtual wine tasting event to raise money for the youth programme. 100 participants joined this fun event which raised over £7,000 for Project 2021. Below is a short video recording of the evening.Due to Covid restrictions, we hosted a second virtual wine tasting event on 17th June 2021 to fund our Summer Holiday Programme. This event raised almost £10,000.

We plan to host a second open evening at the Centre as soon as larger group meetings are permitted.

We also continue to build the number and substance of our local partnerships.

Good to know


Hogarth Youth and Community Centre


Duke Road

W4 2JR

Open in Google MapsGet directions on Google Maps

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