Brownies is about trying new things, making new friendships, learning about your community, working towards badges and learning new skills.
Connecting children and families with the nature on their doorstep.
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Passionate about play, Forest School & early education. We support little people & educators to have exciting adventures connecting with nature. #NatureLinks
Brownies is about trying new things, making new friendships, learning about your community, working towards badges and learning new skills.
At the After School Club, 14-18 year olds with learning disabilities can meet new friends and enjoy fun activities such as arts, cooking, IT, sport, dance and music and more.
Autism Hounslow is a community group made up of autistic adults and parent carers, friends and families of autistic people. We support each other and work with other groups and partners in Hounslow. Our aim is to improve the lives of autistic people so that they can lead happy and fulfilling lives