At West London Sands we understand what it’s like because we also are bereaved parents.
We are good at listening. We can help you think through what to do next. We can get help for you in times of crisis. We don't judge. We won't tell you what to do. We are confidential and free. We have different ways to get in touch.
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Our caring and highly trained staff and volunteers will discuss your options and try to get you the support you need. If you’re worried about the safety of a missing person, we would encourage you to contact the police as a first point of call. We provide 7 day per week emotional support for the duration of a disappearance.
We have access to the Language Line interpretation service to facilitate contact with non-English speakers.
Our website has more information on how you may report someone missing.
Our helpline is open 7 days per week, between 9am and 11pm. If you are missing, thinking of going missing, or someone you know is missing, we're here for you. You can call or text us, even if you have no credit on your mobile.
Free and confidential: 116 000
Free and confidential: 116 000
Free and confidential:
Our Runaway Helpline offers support and guidance for young people who have or are thinking about running away.
Our helpline team can support adults who are thinking of leaving, are away from home or have returned.
We can provide emotional and practical support for the families and friends who are left behind.
At West London Sands we understand what it’s like because we also are bereaved parents.
Confidential and independent befriending services to Armenians and those connected with them over the age of 18 years. This service is provided with your consent and approval to enabled us to listen any concerns or needs you may have which we can try to help with.
Flourishing Minds aims to provide high quality, affordable and accessible counselling and psychotherapy services for children, young people and their families.