To promote the values of equality, citizenship, leadership and volunteering among the younger generation
We are a charitable organisation based in West London, our primary function is to unite and transform financially disadvantaged communities by focusing on projects which make a difference to people’s lives in the short term and improve their prospects in the long term.
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We work on the ethos of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s teachings who was the first Guru of the Sikhs of:
Naam Japna, remembering God.
Kirat Karni, earning an honest living.
Vand Kay Shako; selflessly serving others, sharing income and resources
To promote the values of equality, citizenship, leadership and volunteering among the younger generation
The Society works to preserve the character of Bedford Park and to improve the amenities of the area and environment on behalf of the local community.
Confidential and independent befriending services to Armenians and those connected with them over the age of 18 years. This service is provided with your consent and approval to enabled us to listen any concerns or needs you may have which we can try to help with.