To promote the values of equality, citizenship, leadership and volunteering among the younger generation
Volunteering England defines volunteering as “any activity that involves spending time, unpaid, doing something that aims to benefit the environment or someone (individuals or groups) other than, or in addition to, close relatives.
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Volunteering can be very flexible and depending on your interests, time and skills, there are hundreds of different charities and community groups in Ealing and Hounslow which you can support and hundreds of roles available to you as a volunteer. From being a befriender, to helping with administration to website design, assisting at events, or even volunteering in local parks – there’s a really wide range of opportunities. From full-time volunteering to one-off activities, whatever amount of time you have to give to volunteering, there’s an activity that’s just right for you.
Why volunteer?
There are many reasons why people choose to volunteer:
It’s fun!
It improves your health and happiness
Something different
Make new friends
Learn new skills
Develop the skills you already have
Get involved in your community
Help local people and causes
To promote the values of equality, citizenship, leadership and volunteering among the younger generation
The Society works to preserve the character of Bedford Park and to improve the amenities of the area and environment on behalf of the local community.
The Ealing and Hounslow Volunteer Centre helps groups and organisations find the volunteers they need and hey will ensure that organisations have the correct structures in place for their volunteers. They are also the best source of advice and information for anyone who wants to become a volunteer.