We are an independent, not-for-profit voluntary group to support the doctors and staff of the Chiswick Health Centre in their efforts to maintain and improve the healthcare services they provide to the local community.
Abundance London is completely run by volunteers.
Page last updated
We put out specific calls for help, mainly through our email list, but also through twitter. Please sign up to both and keep an eye out.
We especially need volunteers to help us keep our little gardens maintained; we create small teams of volunteers who look after a specific garden, keeping it litter-picked, weeded and watered. If you live near one of our little gardens and think you can help, please get in touch. We are currently especially recruiting for: The Sleeping Beauty Hedge, on Burlington Lane.
We are an independent, not-for-profit voluntary group to support the doctors and staff of the Chiswick Health Centre in their efforts to maintain and improve the healthcare services they provide to the local community.
Brownies is about trying new things, making new friendships, learning about your community, working towards badges and learning new skills.
Try new things. Make new friends. Joining Beavers is just the beginning of your big adventure.