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Worship Service

We are a multi-cultural group of people. We are united in our common faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour. We worship primarily in English, but we also celebrate aspects of South Asian language and culture in our services and fellowship. NLMG is a member of the International Presbyterian Church.

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GOSPEL OF CHRIST & KINGDOM The good news is that in Jesus Christ God’s purpose of establishing His renewing, life transforming Kingdom has definitively begun.  Christ and His kingdom can never be separated as He is the source and centre of it.  We are called to complete devotion to Christ Jesus and His Kingdom agenda as the ultimate value of life.

A KINGDOM OF GRACEThe Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of Grace. Grace is undeserved mercy.  We enter the Kingdom by grace when God forgives us, changes us, and welcomes us into His family.  He further lives in us through the Holy Spirit and we daily live by grace as we are empowered by Him for lives of fruitfulness.  Thus saturated in God’s grace to us, we are then called to be full of grace toward each other and the world that desperately needs our witness.  

COUNTERCULTURAL COMMUNITYThe Kingdom of God is made most real in the community of the Kingdom.  Jesus created a new community – a new family – delivered from the destructive ways of the world and liberated to live with true security, freedom, love, and joy.  This new family – the church – is God’s way of embodying the gospel to each other and the world.  We are called to live for the higher purpose of Christ and His Kingdom. We are called to be a new society of sacrificial Christ-like love, of freedom and joy, of acceptance of others.  The way we live together before God and the world is a first-fruit of the new age of the Kingdom, and is used by God as a power that reaches and reclaims a world of fractured relationships and broken lives. 

 INCARNATIONAL, CONTEXTUAL, BIBLICAL A sent church must, like Jesus, enter into, rub against and be involved in the world we are called to reach.  We therefore make it a priority learn about and understand our neighbours: their beliefs, concerns, aspirations, problems and needs.  And we will seek to sensitively speak into their lives.  Our worship will be conducted with the watching world in mind.  Our preaching and teaching will understand and engage the attitudes and assumptions not only of Christ-followers, but of our Hindu, Sikh and Muslim neighbours...

SACRIFICE The cross of Christ is at the heart and centre of the Gospel of the Kingdom.  Through His death and resurrection Jesus forgives, cleanses, reconciles us to God and breaks the power of sin over humanity, thereby making a new life of freedom possible.  The cross of Christ is absolutely essential to the Gospel promise of forgiveness, renewal and healing.  But the cross awaits every follower of Christ as well...

PRAYER The priority of the Kingdom of God in life should have a two-fold effect in terms of prayer.  First, the vision of the Kingdom – “Thy Kingdom come” – should shape our prayers: we seek nothing less than that all the brokenness due to sin be replaced with healing and health...

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What people say

We are a multi-cultural group of Christ Jesus followers. We worship in English, Hindi, Urdu and Punjabi. Come hear about our Savior, Jesus Christ.

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