Green Corridor is a registered charity and approved Section 41 Post-16 Specialist Education Provider for young people aged 16-25 with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and those who are not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).
Help look after our 45+ animals We encourage interaction with the animals and hands on farm work which can be physically demanding.
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To help look after our 45+ animals.
**Animals include: horses, donkeys, goats, sheep, pigs, ducks, rabbits, chickens, guinea pigs turkeys **
Work is tailored to individual abilities and includes:
clearing manure from the fields
mucking out
Proven benefits
Improved physical and mental well being
Improved self-confidence
Maybe work with others - learn team work
Therapeutic benefit
Learn new skills
Outcomes: Improved self confidence and self esteem through working as part of a team. Education and learning new skills. Can be hard physical work which enhances well being and fosters a strong sense of personal achievement
Every Monday 10:0014:00
Every Tuesday 10:0014:00
Every Wednesday 10:0014:00
Every Thursday 10:0014:00
Every Friday 10:0014:00
Green Corridor is a registered charity and approved Section 41 Post-16 Specialist Education Provider for young people aged 16-25 with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and those who are not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).
Walkabout Wednesdays give you the chance to get outside and get some fresh air by coming to the Centre and visiting the animals.
At the After School Club, 14-18 year olds with learning disabilities can meet new friends and enjoy fun activities such as arts, cooking, IT, sport, dance and music and more.