NLET is a progressive educational institution where everyone is provided with an opportunity to grow, achieve and improve their knowledge and careers through training, education and employability skills.
Green Corridor is a registered charity and approved Section 41 Post-16 Specialist Education Provider for young people aged 16-25 with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and those who are not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).
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We are a well-established charity that delivers post-16 specialist education to help address the social injustice of the learning disability employment gap for young people living in the West London area and surrounding counties.
Based at our Learning and Development Centre adjacent to Terminal 5 at Heathrow we offer horticulture and catering facilities that help young people with special educational needs and learning disabilities achieve qualifications, independence and confidence. Our prospectus will give you an insight into the life of our learning centre based on kinaesthetic learning and bespoke learner journeys including hands-on work experience and clear transition pathways into local employment in and around the airport.
We fully understand just how daunting it can be for parents and carers to help young people to make the best choices to meet their individual needs. Here at Green Corridor we are proud of all our young people and the expertise of our amazing staff who use their unique blend of skills, knowledge and experience to provide tailored learning pathways for each young person. This enables our learners to gain qualifications, confidence, life skills and independence to help them secure sustainable job outcomes.
In the last academic year, 80% of our young people completing their courses with us progressed directly into employment with the remaining 20% moving into further education and volunteering.
Green Corridor is a great place to work, you feel like you are part of a workplace and the staff are always around to help and support you.
Main Road Nursery
Stanwell Moor Road
TW19 6BS
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NLET is a progressive educational institution where everyone is provided with an opportunity to grow, achieve and improve their knowledge and careers through training, education and employability skills.
The IA offers the tests to people from a diverse range of ethnicities embodying the multi-group nature of the service. This includes literacy and numeracy tests.
LEAH offers free English lessons to Hounslow residents who cannot access college. We enable clients to learn English, gain confidence, develop support networks and access services through knowledge and understanding, as well as integrating into their local community.