Galop provides advocacy and casework support for LGBT+ people who have experience abuse and violence. Advocates and caseworkers work with clients, based on what each individual person needs.
The Silver Line operates the only confidential, free helpline for older people across the UK that’s open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year.
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As we get older it’s not as easy to stay in touch with people. But you still want to tell someone about your day, share a thought or a joke, or talk about a problem. Being able to have a conversation with someone about the big or small things in life is a very important part of anyone’s day.
The Silver Line Helpline, run by Age UK, is free service for people aged over 55 who would benefit from a friendly chat. We provide conversation 24 hours a day, especially for those who may be experiencing feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Unfortunately, we do not offer any counselling or specialist mental health support via The Silver Line. Please also note that The Silver Line does not offer any kind of crisis or emergency service and callers who require this kind of support should contact either 999 or 111.
The Silver Line is open every day and night of the year and people call us just for a chat, to say Good Night or Good Morning to someone, or tell us how their day was. Others call for information, to seek support about something, or share a concern or worry. Our Helpline is always open and available for people aged 55 and over.
Our specially trained Helpline team can:
offer immediate friendship and comfort to lonely and isolated older callers
help with information on all issues faced by older people
refer older callers to other sources of support, such as regular weekly calls with a trained volunteer
signpost callers to appropriate support services they may find helpful in their area
support older callers who may be suffering from abuse or neglect.
You can contact The Silver Line using the details below:
Phone: 0800 470 80 90
You always know the right thing to lift my spirits and when I picture you it’s like you are the lifebelt on the end of the pier
Galop provides advocacy and casework support for LGBT+ people who have experience abuse and violence. Advocates and caseworkers work with clients, based on what each individual person needs.
Confidential and independent befriending services to Armenians and those connected with them over the age of 18 years. This service is provided with your consent and approval to enabled us to listen any concerns or needs you may have which we can try to help with.
We are currently working with BME families in our borough to be active citizens in their own family, community and society as a whole.