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Learning and leisure activities for retired or semi-retired people

We come under the umbrella of The Third Age Trust, a national self-help organisation for people no longer in full time employment.

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Logo for University of the Third Age - Hounslow

Key information


Age Group

  • 61 - 64 years
  • 65 - 69 years
  • 70 - 79 years
  • 80+
  • Retired or semi-retired individuals

What is this service?

Our Groups are deciding for themselves how they wish to meet. Some are meeting in gardens and conservatories or well aired rooms. This year has seen us starting to establish a presence on social media, with a public page to spread the word about what we do. If you use Facebook, search for Hounslow u3a and you’ll find us. We are looking for someone who is good at social media to oversee this for us. Maybe a new member will have those skills?

Although each local U3A operates in its own way, all branches use the knowledge, skills and experience of their own members to set up and run special interest groups. We currently have groups covering a wide range of interests, as well as opportunities for social activities, such as lunches and theatre trips. Members are welcome to join as many groups as they like, subject to space, and those with particular interests, experience or knowledge may decide to set up and coordinate new groups. No one needs a qualification to coordinate a group, just the enthusiasm to get things going.

What we offer?

  • Twice monthly general meetings

Good to know


Holy Trinity Church


6 High Street


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