Our Carers Shopping Card service provides a secure and convenient way for carers to access smaller amounts of money to pay for things for the people that they care for. This protects the carer and their clients in a transparent way.
We run group-based parenting programmes which are focused, short-term interventions aimed at improving the quality of the parent-child relationship.
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Engage with their children in problem situations
Help their children deal with their feelings
Listen more effectively
Use praise
Negotiate with their children and find alternatives to punishment
Encourage their children to be autonomous and take personal responsibility
Reflect on their own experiences of being parented
Parenting styles
ABC 0-5 provides mothers with an opportunity to sift fact from fiction (in terms of issues such as whether boys need a father and whether boys might over-identify with their mothers), as well as strategies for encouraging and supporting their sons and learning ways to deal with boundaries and behaviour. The course also aims to increase mothers’ understanding of their son’s development and increase their confidence in dealing with their son’s behaviour and development.
This 13 week programme is designed to strengthen parenting skills and to prevent and manage behaviour problems. The programme is aimed at parents of children aged 8 - 13 years where there are concerns about anti-social behaviour. The course helps you to look at:
Positive parenting
Positive discipline
Positive communication
Improving relationships in the family
The Parenting Puzzle, Family Links Parent Nurturing Programme an early intervention programme for mums, dads and carers of 2-15 year olds. The 10 week programme builds on the skills parents already have and introduces lots of ways to improve family relationships and manage the behaviour of children of all ages while helping to improve parents' confidence. It gives ways to maintain effective positive discipline and gain more understanding of their own and their child's emotional needs. Amongst many different skills, parents attending the course learn to:
recognise the value of consistency and setting clear boundaries
maintain positive discipline
respect their own and their children's emotional needs
become a more confident, understanding parent.
Speakeasy offers an 8/9 weeks, non-threatening group-based opportunity for parents and carers to acquire the confidence and skills they need to talk to their children about sex and sexuality. Speakeasy course is accredited through the National Open College Network (NOCN) and learners have the opportunity to gain accreditation at either Levels 1 or 2 (levels defined by NOCN). This course can be delivered to parents and to families' service providers. A group of up to 12 parents will be required to deliver the course. Providers should contact the Centre to discuss their needs and costs involved to run a Speakeasy course on their venue.
Our Carers Shopping Card service provides a secure and convenient way for carers to access smaller amounts of money to pay for things for the people that they care for. This protects the carer and their clients in a transparent way.
A weekly drop-in session every Wednesday from 10am - 12pm open to all who require advice, food support or just someone to talk to.
Income Generation Programmes are innovatively designed business support to enable women to raise their confidence, develop their financial literacy, and invest in income-generating activities.