A weekly drop-in session every Wednesday from 10am - 12pm open to all who require advice, food support or just someone to talk to.
Income Generation Programmes are innovatively designed business support to enable women to raise their confidence, develop their financial literacy, and invest in income-generating activities.
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The program focuses on pre-start-up, start-up and business growth support. It is a three phase opportunity that trains and supports women in essential soft skills, digital skills and provides facilitation opportunities for them to sell their products in retail space and online market.
It's a top-down approach to developing women's mindset and business skills through the facilitation of technology and networks.
The program is specifically designed to:-
Support women with skills but no business know-how.
Those who may be considering starting up a new business.
Have ambitions of being self-employed.
Those who are already running an early-stage business.
A weekly drop-in session every Wednesday from 10am - 12pm open to all who require advice, food support or just someone to talk to.
The skills development program helps women to identify issues which are holding them back and is stopping them from seeking financial independence. It creates awareness around their limited beliefs through mentoring sessions, eventually helping them into employment or self-employment.
A focus on disability inclusion in the workplace is a strategic imperative from a moral, legal and commercial standpoint.