For people of any age, who, without payment, provide help and support to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour, who could not manage without their help.
Homelink provides day respite for adults with a variety of conditions including Parkinson's, stroke, MS, mobility issues and those encountering social isolation. We are also a dementia specialist. This gives carers a much-needed break from their demanding role.
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**Homelink, **based in Whitton, is a day centre that offers family carers a much-needed break from their caring duties during the daytime. The Homelink purpose-built centre provides a happy and secure environment where people can enjoy the company of others while being cared for and supported. This gives carers peace of mind and a break from daily routine.
The Homelink staff team are professionally trained and experienced in looking after people with dementia, neurological conditions, physical issues or those needing some company and interaction.
a fully trained care team supporting clients with a variety of health conditions and able to assist with personal needs if required
Homelink specialises in supporting people with dementia, all of our staff are trained in dementia awareness and several staff have completed level 3 diplomas in dementia care
an enjoyable and stimulating day and a variety of activities including; discussion groups, games, quizzes, music therapy, dancing, arts, crafts, cookery, gardening, gentle armchair movement and much more
visiting musical entertainers
a freshley cooked nutritious two-course lunch and refreshments throughout the day
support from a team of fully trained volunteers
Care at Homelink includes health promotion, emotional support, personal care, continence care and supervising medication
Homelink are able to welcome and care for most people.
Homelink also offers a free Carer Support Service providing carers with a complete support framework, including advice, information, informal emotional support in person and regular meetings, social groups and events where carers can share experiences and ideas.
Homelink work hard to care for individual differences. They have a genuine interest in the people they care for. I would highly recommend it.
For people of any age, who, without payment, provide help and support to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour, who could not manage without their help.
As a carer it is often difficult to find time for yourself, take a break or enjoy old hobbies and interests. INS provide support groups and activities for carers.
We provide various online and services for parents and carers of children and young people with disabilities.