Citizens Advice Hounslow provides free, confidential, independent and impartial advice. Our service is open to all, but we particularly support the more vulnerable people in our community.
We offer a friendly face and understand the issues surrounding fitting into a new culture where systems are baffling and bureaucracy is overwhelming.
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BOLM currently runs a destitution clinic for Women at Risk every Thursday from 9:00am to 4:30pm. Women who find themselves in desperate situations can come for love, support and advice. They can enjoy a cup of coffee and a cake in a warm environment also. At lunch we serve homemade soup and fresh rolls to anyone one in need.
We offer a friendly face and understand the issues surrounding fitting into a new culture where systems are baffling and bureaucracy is overwhelming. We care when no one else seems to. Our drop-in advice and advocacy clinic is held at our Bedfont office for anyone to receive free advice and support on a broad range of subjects from housing and employment to how to make friends and learn English.
Our aims
To identify and address the needs of refugees, asylum seekers and women at risk.
To enable those with the right to remain to become full and equal members of the local community.
To challenge intolerance and ensure equal opportunity for all.
Many of the women who come to us for help have experienced traumatic events in their home countries. Some have lost family members and have been imprisoned or tortured because of their political beliefs, religion or ethnic group. Making the difficult choice to flee from their homeland and dangerous journey to safety leaves most asylum seekers feeling confused, scared and isolated. Arriving in a strange land where often they feel unwelcome, have no sense of future, miss family and bearing the physical and mental wounds of mistreatment in their home country; is a frightening and daunting experience. We also work with clients who have moved to the UK for better employment opportunities, education or to join their family.
We provide practical help to women at risk in the greater London area. I
Every Thursday 09:0016:00
Citizens Advice Hounslow provides free, confidential, independent and impartial advice. Our service is open to all, but we particularly support the more vulnerable people in our community.
We are currently working with BME families in our borough to be active citizens in their own family, community and society as a whole.
The CAIA provides confidential independent information and advice. Our Advice Worker is available weekdays from 9.00am - 4.00pm.