A weekly drop-in session every Wednesday from 10am - 12pm open to all who require advice, food support or just someone to talk to.
A focus on disability inclusion in the workplace is a strategic imperative from a moral, legal and commercial standpoint.
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AbilityNet can support you in building a workplace that is inclusive by design and leverages technology to enable all employees to perform at their best.
Supporting Individuals
AbilityNet helps people living with any disability to be productive in the workplace - our Assessment Team provides cost-effective expert workplace assessments and 1-1 support for any employee in any workplace in the UK.
Inclusive Workplaces
Providing a workplace that is inclusive by design is an efficient and positive approach to disability inclusion.
Whilst there will always be a need for some individual reasonable adjustments, looking at processes and ways of working and removing as many barriers as possible at source makes for a better working environment for everyone and allows you to attract, onboard and develop the very best talent for your team.
Our consultants can work with you to provide tech powered solutions to help make this a reality.
Workplace Training
Understanding how technology can influence productivity and inclusion across your workforce can be transformative. With the rapid move online during 2020 we have seen some huge improvements for disabled workers from the perspective of flexible working and inclusive working practices but also some new challenges and barriers emerging.
Talk to our experts about training and we can help you understand the barriers that we can unintentionally build and how to work inclusively whether in the office or remotely.
A weekly drop-in session every Wednesday from 10am - 12pm open to all who require advice, food support or just someone to talk to.
Income Generation Programmes are innovatively designed business support to enable women to raise their confidence, develop their financial literacy, and invest in income-generating activities.
The skills development program helps women to identify issues which are holding them back and is stopping them from seeking financial independence. It creates awareness around their limited beliefs through mentoring sessions, eventually helping them into employment or self-employment.